Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Quotatioin about everything in english,A classic saying.. "Everything is valuable only in two situations

A classic saying..
"Everything is valuable only in two situations -
Before Getting it and
After Losing it.."
Good morning !!!

Quotation about morning in english in sms text message

Mörñiñg is å gift fröm "GOD" åftèr å RéstFül §lèép,

Its å Ñèw Chåñcé tö dö ßèttér & Try ågåiñ whèré We Fåilèd Béføré.
Eñjöy Ür Dåy"

Quotation about success in life in english sms text message

"A stone is broken by the last stroke.That does not mean that 1st stroke was useless.
Success is the result of continous Efforts"

Monday, 3 December 2012

Quotation in eglish about smile,victory of game,If The Loser Smiles After Losing The Game, The Winner Will Lose The Thrill Of His Victory

"If The Loser Smiles After Losing The Game,
The Winner Will Lose The Thrill Of His Victory"
That's The Power Of Smile.
So Keep Smiling.

Quotation in english about life,You can win life by all means, if u avoid just two things in life.

You can win life by all means,

if u avoid just two things in life.
1). Comparing with others &
2). Expecting 4rm others ...!

Quotation in english about learning in eight lines to others

I have Learned...
I came alone and I have to go alone...
I Learned...
People are with you only when they need you, not Otherwise...
I Learned...
Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not Appreciation...
I Learned...
A simple LIE of your close one can break you more than anything...
I Learned...
It's very hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support YOU...
I Learned...
Help people but not upto the point beyond your dignity..
I Learned...
Love yourself and Love people but only if you can do it without Expectation.
"subh Bakha

Quotationa bout alhamdulilah in english words,The greatest test of faith is when you do not get what you want but still, you are able to say

''The greatest test of faith is when you do not get what you want but still, you are able to say
Good morning
Have a blessed day. Remember me in your prayers. . . . .