Showing posts with label relation quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relation quotes. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Quotation about relation in easy english to know

Relations are not exams to pass or fail,  Not competition to win or lose,  It's a feeling in which you care for some one more than your self...

Monday, 17 December 2012

Nice and beautiful quotes about relation in english in sms text message

"A successful relation doesn't depend on how good understanding we have....
But it depends on how better we avoid mis-understandings.!!!

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Quotation about relatiion,Distance never seprates any relation & closeness never builds any relation!

Distance never seprates any relation
& closeness never builds any relation!
If feelings r True & Honest then relations  always remain alive!
Good Morning, have a wondrfu£ day.

Quotation about good relation,Good relations r like Needles of Clock Tied in the same clock

Good relations r like Needles of Clock
Tied in the same clock
unable 2 meet 4 long,
they meet only 4 some time
always stay connected.