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English,urdu and pashto quotation
This is a blog which is all about english quotation,urdu quotation and pashto quotation
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Simple for loop statement in C++ using code blocks...
Simplw while loop statement in C++ langauge in Rip...
Simple calculator in C++ language using switch sta...
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Quotation about love and trust in english in sms text message
Quotation about success and calculation formula,Success has only one Calculation Formula: STOP Thinking in Terms of Limitations & START Thinking in Terms of Possibilities"
"Success has only one Calculation Formula: STOP Thinking in Terms of Limitations & START Thinking in Terms of Possibilities...
Adolf HITLER quotes about lightness and darkness
Adolf Hitler said.. When You Are In The Light, Everything Follows You, But When You Enter Into The Dark, Even Your 0wn Shadow Does...
Two line quotation about trust
Golden words of nepoleon about obey a rule if u dont like it
NEPOLEON said : " If u dont like a rule, Just obey it, Reach the top and Change the Rule" Good night !!! ...
Quotation about trust,new and nice quotation about trust in english
Great quotation about alone poeples that they are lucky
"Sometimes Alone People Become Very Lucky; Because They Have Nobody to Loose...!!
Quotation about complain to other in english in sms text message
Don't Complain about others. Change urself! Its Easy to protect ur feet with Slippers Rather than to Carpet the W...
New and old pictures of Abaseen footbal club of tarbela dam topi swabi in KPK 2015
Silver and golden words in English of Adolf Hitler about the stupid and itelligent
" The Trouble With The World Is That, The Stupids Are Confident And The Intelligents Are Full 0f Doubts " ''(Hitler)...
Blog Archive
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Saturday, 15 December 2012
Quotation about trees and shade,Good relationships are like trees.. They demand attention & care in the begining..
Good relationships are like trees..
They demand attention & care in the begining..
Once they bloom
They provide U shade in all situations.
Quotation about relatiion,Distance never seprates any relation & closeness never builds any relation!
Distance never seprates any relation
& closeness never builds any relation!
If feelings r True & Honest then relations always remain alive!
Good Morning, have a wondrfu£ day.
Quotation about mind and true,Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your
A True saying...!
"Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your mind when you want to share some thing with anyone...".
Quotation about heart and relationship,A good heart and good nature are two different issues
A good heart and good nature
are two different issues,
A good heart can win many relationships,
But a good nature,
can win many good hearts..
Quotation about truth and lying,A very meaning ful line for a true relation...
A very meaning ful line for a true relation...
"Hurt me with Truth...But Never Satisfy me with a Lie".
Quotation about good relation,Good relations r like Needles of Clock Tied in the same clock
Good relations r like Needles of Clock
Tied in the same clock
unable 2 meet 4 long,
they meet only 4 some time
always stay connected.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Quotation about great lines,If you born poor, its not your mistake but if u die poor, its ur mistake". "Born with personality is an accident but dying in a personality is an achievement
Great lines...
"If you born poor, its not your mistake but if u die poor, its ur mistake".
"Born with personality is an accident but dying in a personality is an achievement".
"Your birth may be normal but your death should be history".
"Like all, Trust few".
"Follow none but learn from every one".
"Practice like a Devil & play like an Angel".
"DO or DIE is an 0ld concept
D0 IT BEFORE DIE is a new concept.
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