Sunday, 30 December 2012

Quotation of Abdul kalam About heat and face in english with picture in sms text message

Quotation about trust and life in english with picture

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Quotation about going away in simple english

Quotation about hurt and happy in english

Quotation about wrong relationship in english with picture

Togather quotation in simple english with picture

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Quotation with picture in english

Monday, 24 December 2012

Quotation about trust and truth in english

Quotation about trust in english with pic

Quotation about trust and love in english

Quotation about hurts to someone in english

Quotation about trust,new and nice quotation about trust in english

Quotation about judgment in english with pic

Quotation about trust in english in sms text message

Quotation about love and trust in english in sms text message

Nice and one of best quotation about girls

Best and nice quotation about trust of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Quotation about relationship with picture

Two line quotation about trust

Quotation about trust, New quotation about trust,Best quotation about trust

New,best and one line quotation about trust in english

One of best quotation about trust in english with picture

Nice and best quotation about about trust in english in sms text message

Nice and beautiful quotation about somebody in english with pic

Friday, 21 December 2012

New and one of best quotation about trust in english in sms text message

Quoatation with pic about relationship and trust

Quotation about real personalty,I'M N0t A PeRfect FRiend "I Can Make Mistakes Anytime

I'M N0t A PeRfect FRiend
"I Can Make Mistakes Anytime
TheRf0Re, I L0ve Th0se Pe0ple Wh0 Stay With Me AfteR Kn0wing My Real PeRsnality"

A nice saying quotes about mistakes and happy,Someone Is Interested In What You Have Done

A Nice
" If Someone Points Out Your Mistakes, Be Happy That Atleast Someone Is Interested In What You Have Done....

Great and quotation about success and experience

Strange philosphy:
"Mistakes are painful when they happen
years later a collection of mistakes called Experience
Which leads us to success.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Abbrivations of GPRS,LCD,USB,FM in simple words

GPRS=general packet radio service
LCD=liquid crystal display
USB=universal serial bus.
FM=frequency modulati0n.

Abbrivation of FRIEND in simple words for friends


I= In

Abbrivation of ISLAM in simple words of ISLAM

"ISLAM" stands for:

Mother abbbrivation of moter in 2 lines of MOTHER

Mother Is An Abbreviation:-

Funny and amaizing abbrivation of ATM in just half line

ATM stands 4
Automated Totalling Machine.

Most amaizing abbrivation of names of countries and thier abbrivations

UAE: United Arab Emirates. 
USA: United States of America
US: United States
UK: United KinGdom
NZ: New Zealand

HD abbrivations of different stages in ARMY by aamir mujahid

Air training cores
Army veterinary core
Amnesty international
Before christ 

Abbrivations of GPRS,LCD,USB,FM in simple words

GPRS=general packet radio service
LCD=liquid crystal display
USB=universal serial bus.
FM=frequency modulati0n.

Quotation about love in english

Quotation of boy and a girl and understanding

Monday, 17 December 2012

Nice and beautiful quotes about relation in english in sms text message

"A successful relation doesn't depend on how good understanding we have....
But it depends on how better we avoid mis-understandings.!!!

Quotation about relationship,Perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated

Perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated with each other...
It's how fast you resolve & bounce back to normal...!

Quotation about trust an relationship,rust is the base of any relationship. Always be careful

Trust is the base of any relationship.
Always be careful before doing any little act because just missing of "T" can RUST the relationship.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Quotation about friendship and differences,A great relationship is based on two main principles.

"A great relationship is based on two main principles.
First, appreciate your similarities and second, respect your differences."

Quotation about true friend and friendship,loved ones I don't know why people keep silent 4 a löng period,, This life is too short to make real friends, I dont know

This life is too
short to make
and accelerate
I don't know
why people
break the
This life is too
short to say
something to
loved ones
I don't know
why people
keep silent 4 a
löng period,,
This life is too
short to make
real friends,
I dont know
why people
Think before it's too late,
Today is time, Nobody knows About next moment,,
bcz life can't wait,
And death ever waits.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Nice and beautiful quotation about good hearts and good nature

A Good Heart And A Good Nature
Are Two Different Issues,
A Good Heart Can Win Many Relationships,
But A Good Nature
Can win many good hearts.

Nice and best quotation about true,truth and lie,A very Meaningful Line for a true Relation.

A very Meaningful Line for a true Relation.

"Hurt Me with Truth,
but ..
Never Satisfy Me with a Lie..."

Quotation about trees and shade,Good relationships are like trees.. They demand attention & care in the begining..

Good relationships are like trees..
They demand attention & care in the begining..
Once they bloom
They provide U shade in all situations.

Quotation about relatiion,Distance never seprates any relation & closeness never builds any relation!

Distance never seprates any relation
& closeness never builds any relation!
If feelings r True & Honest then relations  always remain alive!
Good Morning, have a wondrfu£ day.

Quotation about mind and true,Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your

A True saying...!

"Your best relation is the one who is the first one to come in your mind when you want to share some thing with anyone...".

Quotation about heart and relationship,A good heart and good nature are two different issues

A good heart and good nature
are two different issues,
A good heart can win many relationships,
But a good nature,
can win many good hearts..

Quotation about truth and lying,A very meaning ful line for a true relation...

A very meaning ful line for a true relation...
"Hurt me with Truth...But Never Satisfy me with a Lie".

Quotation about good relation,Good relations r like Needles of Clock Tied in the same clock

Good relations r like Needles of Clock
Tied in the same clock
unable 2 meet 4 long,
they meet only 4 some time
always stay connected.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Quotation about great lines,If you born poor, its not your mistake but if u die poor, its ur mistake". "Born with personality is an accident but dying in a personality is an achievement

 Great lines...
"If you born poor, its not your mistake but if u die poor, its ur mistake".
"Born with personality is an accident but dying in a personality is an achievement".
"Your birth may be normal but your death should be history".
"Like all, Trust few".
"Follow none but learn from every one".
"Practice like a Devil & play like an Angel".
"DO or DIE is an 0ld concept
D0 IT BEFORE DIE is a new concept.

Quotation about Allah,Those Who Happily Leave EveryThing in Allah's Hand, Will Eventually See Allah's Hand in EveryThing!

Those Who Happily Leave EveryThing in Allah's Hand,

Will Eventually See Allah's Hand in EveryThing!
Worry Ends Where,
Faith Begins!! 

Large quotation about frinds,One of my favourite text for my friends: Its amazing when Strangers become friends but its sad when friends

One of my favourite text for my friends:
Its amazing when Strangers become friends but its sad when friends becoms strangers.
I never want to lose u as a friend..!
I met u as a stranger, Now i have u as a friend.
I Hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends..
I may not b da most important person in ur life,
Surely not!
I just hope that when u'll hear my name,
U'll smile and will
DOST hai Mera...

Quotation about something and nothing

Hard Reality:
"Sometimes people are nothing..
You make them something !
And when they become Something..
They feel that you are Nothing....

Quotation of F beckham to kill an enemy

To Kill An Enemy: You Require A Sword Or A Gun. But  To Kill A Dear One: "Just Being Silent" Is Enough.
*****F BECKHAM*****

Quotation of Fish and sel fish,Little fish ask her mom: why we can not live on earth? Mother said:

Little fish ask her mom: why we can not live on earth? Mother said:  Oh! my innocent kid.. Earth is made for"Sel-Fish"not for "Fish"

Quotation about honesty,Loyalty,Don't expect it from Cheap and Selfish people

"Honesty, Loyality and Sincerity are  very expensive gifT
Don't expect it from Cheap and Selfish people.

Quotation about hands in sms text message,whenever i don't message you don't think that i have forgotten you.. I remember You always & every time.

I can see you
In my Hands.
Whenever I Join them for Pray.
Ur Face is
One of those who Live in
my Heart.
Because Our Relation is from
Heart to Heart,
So, whenever i don't message you don't think that i have forgotten you..
I remember You always & every time.

Quotation about tree and heart,Always keep hoping for good. As the chinese say....

Always keep hoping for good. As the chinese say....
"Keep a green tree in ur heart,
the singing bird will surely come."

Quotation about cool,iron,hot and strong,Even Solid Thing Like IRON Becomes Weak When it is Hot

Even Solid Thing Like IRON 
Becomes Weak When it is Hot,
And People Can Use it as They Wish.
Try To Stay Cool
If You Wish To Be STRONG...!    

Quotation about three pages of life and book,Life is like a book of three pages.. First page is "Birth" Last page is "Death" Centre page is "Empty

"Life is like a book of three pages..
First page is "Birth"
Last page is "Death"
Centre page is "Empty". 
It is up to you how you fill your page.

Quotation about result and BISMILLAH ,Successful people dont plan results, They plan only beginning,

Successful people dont plan results,
They plan only  beginning
Becoz right results follow right beginning
& the best begining is..

Best and funny quotation of Arastu and sikandar azam

Once Sikandar~e~Azam & Arastu (his teacher) were going together. There was a deep river in way. Arastu decided to cross 1st & said:It's not important that Arastu will die but it's so important that Sikandar will survive bcz Sikandar is 'THE NEED' of this world.
Sikandar laughed, moved ahead & said: It's so important that Arastu will survive bcz Sikandar can't make Arastu but Arastu can make many Sikandars.

Quotation about bad,hate and fake

I know lots of people hate me
because i am 2 bad
few people surely love me
because they know that
my little gudess is not fake...!!

Quotation about salt,Always have a unique character like SALT,It's presence is not felt

Always have a unique character like SALT,It's presence is not felt
it's ABSENCE makes all things "TASTELESS"  

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Quotation about understanding and misunderstanding,A cute line for all my well wishers

A cute line for all my well wishers....!   "Never choose Me without undrstanding, &..... Never loose Me in some Mis-understanding"!

Quotation about peoples,People Meet By Co-Incidence & Chance They Spend Sweet Tyms Together Then God Separates Them Not To End The Story Bt To See How

People Meet By Co-Incidence & Chance
They Spend Sweet Tyms Together
Then God Separates Them Not To End The Story Bt To See How Much They Remember Each Other.

Quotation about dear and killing,To Kill A DEER, You May Need A Gun, Sword Or Knife

To Kill A DEER, You May Need A
Gun, Sword Or Knife; Bt To Kill A DEAR, You Just Need SILENCE & Thats Enough To Kill Him...

Quotation about Life in sms text message,Every body seems to b Special at First Sight, Bt only the Special ones

"Every body seems to b Special at First Sight, Bt only the Special ones maintain their Level of Dignity til the Last Sight of Life. 

Quotation about duck and water,Duck looks smooth & calm on top of water BUT, underneath there is restless paddling.

A Duck looks smooth & calm on top of water
underneath there is restless paddling...
Life is all about effort but with a cool mind & calm expressions! 

Top three philosphies about humans and quotation in english

"3" impOrtant Philosophies
1.Ability can Never remain Hidden.
2.No injury is Deeper than insult.
3.The Birth Of Tension is the Death Of Talent. 

Quotation of Albert Einstein in english

The world is a very bad place to live,  not because it is full of bad people,but because gud people remain silent..

Quotation about dying and lived,What's the most Suprising about Mankind? They lose their Health 2 make Wealth & then lose their Wealth 2

What's the most Suprising about Mankind?
They lose their Health 2 make Wealth & then lose their Wealth 2 Restore their Health
By thinking About Future,they 4get Present
Such that,they Live Neither 4 Presnt nor 4 Future
They live as They wl Nevr Die &
They Die as they had Nevr Lived.

Quotation in english about your friend,We should have atleast someone >who calls ur name wid weird pronOunciation

We should have atleast someone
>who calls ur name wid weird pronOunciation:p
>who teases u by a boy/girl u hate;)
>1 who will do anything 2 get a party 4m u:O
>who always reminds u ur crush:D
>1 who wished u happy birthday on ur x lovers birthday..xD
>who argues over u 4nothing u did wrong:p
>who calls ur nokia/branded mobile a china phone:p
>who wont let u walk 2 ur home alone:)
>who always thinks ur tiffin,wallet etc his/her own;)
>who smiles,makes u smile though he is upset..:)
Only a friend can do these things in ur lyf..
Don't loose them :)
Dedicated to all of them who once made u smile..

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Quotation about Mark Twain of kindness

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see."(Mark Twain)

Quotation about cry and die,I Don't Need A Lot Of People Who Are Ready To Cry When I Die

I Don't Need A Lot Of People Who Are Ready To Cry When I Die, I Need Just One Person Who Is Ready To Die When I Cry.

Quotation about poor,,devil,angel and die in english

1. If u born poor, its not ur mistake but if u die poor, its ur mistake
2. Born with personality is an ancident but dying in a personality is an achievement
3. Your birth may b normal but your death should b history
4. Like all but Trust few
5. Follow none but learn from every one
6. Practice like a Devil & play like an Angel
7. DO OR DIE is an 0ld concept, D0 IT BEFORE DEATH is a new concept

Quotation about dears and death,we dont die when death comes to us

"we dont die when death comes to us ,but we die when we are forgotten by our own dears".

Quotation about Masjid,An excellent quote written in a MASJID: "ALLAH has time to listen

An excellent quote written in a MASJID:
"ALLAH has time to listen.
Do u have time to pray?

Quotation about proud,candle,darkness and life

Never feel bad if people remember u only in need,
Feel Proud that u comes in there mind like candle  in darkness of their life.

Quotation about Success,Don't see others Doing better than you,,, Beat your own Records everyday

Don't see others
Doing better than you,,,
Beat your own
Records everyday,
Success is a fight Between you & Yourself.....¿  

Quotation about kind,helpful,honest,happy and ALLAH

Your "kindness" may be treated as your weakness.
"Still be kind"
Your help to others may go unneeded & unnoticed.
"Still be helpful"
"IF YOU ARE HONEST & FRANK", people may cheat you.
"Still be honest"
If you find happiness, they may be jealous.
"Still be happy"
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
"Do good anyway"
Because it's between You & ALLAH..
It is never between you & them...

Quotation about best,heart,Expression of eyes can b read by evryone. But Depression of Heart can b read only by best one

"Expression of eyes can b read by evryone.
Depression of Heart can b read only by best one!
Care 4 evryone but dont lose the best one.

Quotation about sorry and fine,It is very easy to hurt some one and then say

It is very easy to hurt some one and then say,
But it is really very difficult to get hurt and say
'Its ok,
I am fine'..

Quotation about heart beat in englsih,Distance" is n0t a matter when the mem0ries are sweet

"Distance" is n0t a matter when the mem0ries are sweet...
Special pe0ple are never f0rG0tten when they remain in "Heart Beats"       

Quoattion of John Keat about World

John Keat Says:
"The Greatest Suggestion For Love is,
Don't Love The 0ne Who is Beautiful For The World,
Love The 0ne Who Makes Ur World Beautiful!..

Quotation about prayer,When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. When you are happy & feel blessed

When you pray for others,
God listens to you and blesses them.
When you are happy & feel blessed,
Remember someone has prayed for you too...

Quotationa about Pakistani nation, Thi Qabil e ilaaj gham e zindagi mgr Js ki tlash thi wo masiha nhi mila Kismat ki bat hy k hmen apny Hukmrano me

Dedicated to we      "Pakistani Nation"                    
   Thi Qabil e ilaaj gham e zindagi mgr
Js ki tlash thi wo masiha nhi mila
Kismat ki bat hy k hmen apny Hukmrano me
FIRAON to mily
koi MOOSA nhi mila.

Quotation about smoking,drinking and study,Smoking effects lungs Drinking effects liver Girls effect heart

Smoking effects lungs
Drinking effects liver
Girls effect heart
But the most dangerous 1 is 
It effects BRAIN
sedha coma me yar

Quotation about money of Mark george

The Amount of Money in Ur Bank at the time of Ur
Death is the Proof of Extra Work U Did which was not
Necessary!  (MACK GEORGE)

Simple and great quotation about tears and eyes,The Hardest moments are not those when tears flow from

The Hardest moments are not those when tears flow from ur eyes.....
it's when u have to hide the tears in ur eyes with a smile..

Quotation about day.try.true and trust,When u start your day, keep 3 words in your mind

When u start your day, 
keep 3 words in your mind
TRY-For Better Future
TRUE-With Your Work

Monday, 10 December 2012

Quotation about Success,When You Truly Believe that You Deserve Success

When You Truly Believe that You Deserve Success,
Your Mind Will Automatically Generate Ways to Achieve it.

Quotation about urself,Try to make atleast two persons happy in a day... But

"Try to make atleast two persons happy in a day...
Make sure that one of them is

One line quotation about the world,No body is busy in this world

No body is busy in this world,it all depends on your priorities  

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Quotation about trust tand cheating,Trust someone so much that

Trust someone so much that One feel Guilty to cheat You... 

Quotation about tomorrow and later,Never save the best for later

Never save the best for later. You don't know what tomorrow holds.

Quotation about shine and prayers,The "Cloud" may cover the "Sun" but "Sun " never forgets to shine.

The "Cloud" may cover the "Sun" but "Sun " never forgets to shine.
I May  not  Often see u, but you always  "Shine" in my "Prayers"

Quotation about mothar and his son,A Sad mother was siting with her son Son: u r d 2nd most beautiful lady i have ever known

A Sad mother was siting with her son
Son: u r d 2nd most beautiful lady i have ever known
Mother:who's 1st
Son:Its also u but
when u smile.. 

Quotation about diamond and power,Never Conclude a Person By His Present Status Becoz

"Never Conclude a Person By His Present Status Becoz Time Has The Great Power To Change A Useless Coal Into a Valuable Diamond."

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Quotation about problems and strength with ALLAH,When prblms r so big & ur strength is no longer enough to carry them

When prblms r so big & ur strength is no longer enough to carry them so don't give up bcz where ur strength ends, the grace of Allah Almighty begins!

Dua and quotation for ur friend,When my hands can not reach special people like U,I touch them with my prayers

"When my hands can not reach special people like U,I touch them with my prayers. I pray that may Allah increase ur health, wealth, wisdom and prosperity. May Allah reduce ur worries, sorrows, problems and enemies. May ur life be filled with love,strength, peace & blesings all the time

Quotation about facebook by william nikattu,

"I Love Facebook bt I Hate to Face my books"
William nikhattu...

Quotation of Abdul kalam about handsome guy

Quotation about Gape,Never make a bit of gap between the dear ones

Never make a bit of gap between
the dear ones 
because you can
never bear the pain when the gap
is filled by someone else.

Quotation about beauty and story,Beauty is nothing if you have a rotten attitude n personality

Beauty is nothing if you have a rotten attitude n personality, 

its like a book with a good cover but with senseless story.

Quotation about self confidence and educated,When you develop the ability to listen to anything without losing

When you develop the ability to listen to anything without losing your temper or self-confidence, it means you have become EDUCATED

Quotation and dua about tongue,mouth,stomach,brain and heart

We have
2 eyes & 1 tounge,
which means we need to look twice
talk once
We have
2 ears & 1 mouth,
so we need to listen more than we talk
We have
2 hands & 1 stomach,
so we need to work twice as much as we eat
We have
two major brain parts,
left & right,
one heart,
so we can think twice,
but trust only once
Isn't it amazing that our body parts remind us how to live..?

Quotation about ignorance,habit and ignorance,Ignorance upto a time will rise ur vaLue

"Ignorance upto a time will rise ur vaLue, but when it is adOpted as a habit, it will make others to ignOre you"

Quotation about difficulty,experience and mistake,A hopeless man feels Difficulty in every chance and a Hopeful man feels a Chance in every difficulty

A hopeless man feels Difficulty in every chance and a 
Hopeful man  feels a Chance in every difficulty. 
Good Decision comes from experience,
butexperience comes from bad decision... 
This is life...So don't worry for any mistake..
Goahead & learn from it.
Life will go on 
andwill make you 
either strong or weak depending 
upon your approach towards it..

Quotation about morning and dreams,Every morning you have two choices.... Continue your sleep with your dreams

''Every morning you have two choices....
Continue your sleep with your dreams.
wake up and chase your dreams.
The choice is yours

Quotation about hurting and cutting a tree,Hurting Someone is as easy as Cutting a Tree, But making Someone Happy is like Growing a Tree

"Hurting Someone is as easy as Cutting a Tree,
But making Someone Happy is like Growing a Tree.
It Takes a Lot of Time
So Don't hurt anyone..

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Quotation of truth in english,Never go out of your way to explain anyone your honesty and worth.

"Never go out of your way to explain anyone your honesty and worth.
Time has it's own way of revealing the truth"

Quotation about morning and life,I love mornings, bcoz it makes me think the value of life. It asks Me to live not yesterday's sorrows

I love mornings,
it makes me think the value of life.
It asks Me to live not yesterday's sorrows
tomorrow's dreams
2day's blessings.

Quotation about little and enough,when u get little u want m0re, when u get m0re, u desire even m0re,

"when u get little u want m0re, when u get m0re, u desire even m0re, 
but when u l0se it, 
u realize LITTLE was En0ugh...! 

Quotation about shop of perfume,The company of good people is like the shop of perfume

The company of good people is like the shop of perfume...!!!  Whether u have bought perfume or not, u will receive a lot of good fragrance... 

Quotation about perfume and drops,Happiness iz da perfume, u cn't pour on othrs.

Happiness iz da perfume, u cn't pour on othrs.. widout get'g few drops on urself.

Quotation of two lines in simple words,Its Very Easy To Say 'Busy' When Someone Needs You

''Its Very Easy To Say 'Busy' When Someone Needs You.
But Its Very Painful To Hear 'Busy' When You Need Someone."

Quotation about brilliant mind,Being kind is more important than being Right

"Being kind is more important than being Right,
Some times people need a caring heart to listen than a brilliant mind to speak"

Quoatation about feeling in english,Never play with feeling of others, because you may win the game

: Never play with feeling of others, because you may
win the game. 
But you will surely lose the person for

Quotation about Help and gift,Don't Expect it from everyone,B'coz very few people ar

"HELP Is a Very Expensive Gift,
So Don't Expect it from everyone,B'coz very few people are "Rich"by Heart....!!!."

Quotation about walking and the path,If the path is beautiful, first confirm where it leads to .... but

If the path is beautiful, first confirm where it leads to ....
but,  if the destination is beautiful, don't check how the path is Keep Walking...

Quotation of Success,brain and their size in english

Success never depends On the size of Our brain,
it always depends On the size of Our thoughts...

Quotation about Sword adn words in english

S W 0 R D  
W 0 R D S
Have the Same Letters
Strange fact is that 
TheY have the Same Effect Too ; 
Depends on how We use Them."

Quotation about GOD and solutions and problems

"Locks r never manufactured without a Key.
Similarly Allah never gives Problms without Solutions.
Only v need 2 hve Patience to Unlock them."

2 lines quotes about parhay and muhabbat

Parhai bhi mohabat jesi hoti.......
Khud he ho jati...

Quotation of Adolf Hitler about Victory and History.Success Is Never Permanent, And Failure Is Never Final

Success Is Never Permanent,
And Failure Is Never Final.
So Don't Stop Effort Until Ur 'VICTORY' Makes 'HISTORY'.

Quotation about proud and people,Never feel bad, If people remember you only in need

Never feel bad,
If people remember  you only in need,
Feel Proud that you come in their mind like a candle in darkness of their life.

New and best quotation in english about today,If You want to Enjoy, Always think Today is the first day.

If You want to Enjoy, 
Always think Today is the first day.
But If You want to Achieve something , 
Always think today is the last day.

Quotation of George canning in english language,Indecision and delays are the parents of failure

"Indecision and delays are the parents of failure"  George Canning 

Quotation about hurts adn trees in english,If smeone hrts you, DON'T MIND ! Because it's the law of nature

"If smeone hrts you, DON'T MIND ! Because it's the law of nature, "The trees that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum nmbr of stones..!

Quotation about wait in english,If some one waits for you, it dsnt mean that he has nothing

"If some one waits for you, it dsnt mean that he has nothing ELSE to do
it  means that NOTHNG else is more important than U...!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Quotation about success and calculation formula,Success has only one Calculation Formula: STOP Thinking in Terms of Limitations & START Thinking in Terms of Possibilities"

"Success has only one Calculation Formula: 

STOP Thinking in Terms of Limitations & START Thinking in Terms of Possibilities"

Quotation in english about ATTITUDE and talking in sms text message,I may not have the sense how to talk with people

I may not have the sense how to talk with people,
But there is no intention to hurt someone,
Thats the reason i'm satisfied with my ATTITUDE...!

Quotation about correction and success in life,Everybody says, "Mistake is the 1st step of SUCCESS

Everybody says,
"Mistake is the 1st step of SUCCESS,
but its not true!
The truth is,
Correction of the mistake is the 1st step of SUCCESS.

Some beautiful quotes about good behavior of peoples

"Good Behaviour Does Not Have Any Monetary Value
It Has A Power To Purchase Hearts Of The People..!!

Quotation of albert einstien in english about calculation of life

I can calculate every thing even the velocity of light but can not calculate the hate of the people behind their smiles.
(Albert Einstien)

Quotation about teaching and cheating in english alphabets

The alphabets in CHEATING and TEACHING are same
The one who CHEATS U,
TEACHES U something in LIFE...!!

Quotation about love in english,Love is the most beautiful truth of life Never ignor the person who Loves U

    "Love"     is the most   beautiful truth of         " life"
Never ignor the    person who      "Loves"          "U" 

Quotation about worries and birds,Worries are just like birds

"Worries are just like birds, let them fly over u. But, don't let them build a nest on ur head."
Always Keep Smiling:-)  

Happiness and pain quotation in english,Everyone wants happiness, No one need pain

Everyone wants happiness,

No one need pain,
But it is not possible to get rainbow without a little rain.

Quotation about happiness in english .Happiness is like butterfly, You run after it, it keeps flying away.

Happiness is like butterfly,

You run after it, it keeps flying away.
If you stand still it comes & sets on your shoulders.
Wish The Most Happies Morning.

Richness quotes in english,Be so rich that u can buy the most expensive thing U desire

Be so rich that u can buy the most expensive thing U desire.
But be so expensive that no richness on the earth can buy U" 

Thinking quotes in simle and english words and new quotes

How satrange is the logic of our mind
We look for compromise when we are wrong
But we look for justice when others are wrong...
We Need 2 change our WaY of thinking

Judgement quotation in Urdu by other in english

"Dont judge a person by what others say...
The person may be true to u, but not to others..
Bcoz the same sun which melts the ice, hardens the clay too..

Simple adn new quotation in english about any thing,If you stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a Tree

"If you stand for a reason,
be prepared to stand alone like a Tree.
And if u fall on ground then fall as a Seed that grows back to fight again."

Quotation about Ignorane In English translation,Ignorance upto a time will rise ur vaLue, but when it is adopted

Ignorance upto a time will rise ur vaLue, but when it is adopted as a habit, it will make others to ignore U ...

Great abd GOD quotation in English words,Don't think of only a few things that you didn't get from God after Praying

Don't think of only a few things that you didn't get from God after Praying!
Think of all those Countless Beautiful things that He gave you without Asking..

Nice quotation about Respect,Respect can't b found when "U" seek it 4 "URSELF

Respect can't b found when "U" seek it 4 "URSELF,
When "U" Give It 2 Others
It will Find Its Way Back 2 "U".. 

Quotation of nice personalty BILL GATES,My success Theory... "I'm not in competition

My success Theory... "I'm not in competition with any1 but myself. My goal is to beat my last performance" (Bill Gates)

Strongness adn softness quotation in english,The Softness of a person's nature doesn't mean weakness

"The Softness of a person's nature doesn't mean weakness bcoz Nothing is softer than water But its force can even break the stronest rocks

Great quotation in english about greatness,It is the last measurement of the greatness of a man that

"It is the last measurement of the greatness of a man that... 
how his attitude is with that person 
who can giVe him noThing"

Best and nice quote about care in simple and english words

"Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation!" 

Quote about understanding in english,Understanding Is Deeper Than Knowledge

"Understanding Is Deeper Than Knowledge,

"There are Many People Who Know Us,
"Very Few Who Understand Us...